Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just Excpet It.

So life is still changing at rates which seem to be about a mile a minute, and I wish it would take a break and chill so I can catch up. It's been a crazy month, and a very long one at that.
I've started classes at Blinn... and I'm not too excited. I've pretty much excepted the fact that I need to be there if I'm ever going to get back at A&M. I need to be there and do well for a semester (maybe two) and hopefully I can return to life as an Aggie. I hate being at Blinn and feel almost like I've lessened myself to attend school there... but I'm kind of out of options at the moment.
My boyfriend moved last month. We weren't together long before he left and it makes it a little harder to be apart. He'll be coming on Friday, the 12th, for a ten day visit and I'm very excited to see him. It will be a month (to the day) since I have seen him last, and it feels much, much longer. I'm finding myself becoming more and more attached to him every day. It's kind of weird, because we weren't supposed to be together in the first place... I joke about it, I'm not sure if he finds it as amusing as I do! It does cause some problems though. I feel like I have to choose between my family and people I consider family, and my boyfriend. Not exactly a decision that I'm "itching" to make. I wish they could just be happy for me and not judge my relationship. Jonathan makes me so happy, and I finally feel like I'm worth something to a guy... not just a piece of ass. I wish they could see that. My parents say in time they will, but I'm not holding my breath.
I've got a whole new group of friends... and they are all completely awesome. I feel like I'm being pushed away from my old group, but to this new one, I'm called the life of the party. :) It's a good feeling to know that people want me around. When I came to College Station, it was assumed that I was going to be apart of a certain group, and I never really had the chance to find my own niche. Well here, I've found one. It's nice to know that I was/am able to go out and meet people without supervision. However, I think that's part of the problem with the before mentioned family and friends. I miss my old group alot, but while all this is going on, I'd rather not be around the people talking smack... no matter how much I love them.
I'm trying to keep with with school and keep my grades up so I can go back to where I belong because Blinn is SO not for me, I'm trying to keep up with Jonathan and not miss him as much as I do... and that's not going well because lets face it, he's pretty much perfect and who wouldn't miss him?! and I'm trying to keep up with my old friends and still hang out with my new ones. And I'm trying to get people to stop passing judgment until they know what everything is really about. It's just been a crazy, emotional, and very sloowww month.
So I realize this was kind of an emo post, but it's all things that needed to be said. And considering somehow within the past year, confrontation has begun to scare the mess out of me, I'm hoping the people that need to read this will, and then they'll finally see where I'm coming from. Love you guys and I miss you guys.