Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It Was Just a Door

The past couple of days have been pretty rough. Not sure why (so don't ask me) but I haven't been in the best of moods. But tonight it hit me. I've been all upset over something that really doesn't matter. Sure, it sucks, but is it really going to make that much of a difference in the end?
I was walking around the mall eariler this evening thinking about all this, and actually wishing I had my laptop, so I could plop down right there and type all this up. Unfortuanately, I couldn't do that, so we'll see how much I can put in now.
When I walked in Dillards from the parking lot, I held the door open for a man, probably in his early 60s. He looked shocked, then turned to me and said, "thanks, you're a real 'gentalwoman'." Some people just look at you and smile, (which is fine) but this guy took the time to say something. Here I am being all upset over things, when all it took was one nice gesture to someone else to realize how lame I was being. It doesn't matter what bad things are going on at the moment, all that really matters is doing something nice (how small it may be) for someone else, to turn your day around. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense here, now, but there was just a way he said it that made me feel like he really appreciated a simple door opening. It made me feel that although it was small, I had helped someone out, and all of a sudden the small issues I've been annoyed with seemed much, much smaller.
It's weird. It was just a door....

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