Friday, May 16, 2008

My Friend Ashley.

So my good friend Ashley was unaware that I had a blog, and when she found out, she demanded I make an entry dedicated to her.
So here we have it.

My friend Ashley:
is demanding.
is beautiful.
is a junior business major at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas.
enjoys ... me?? wtf??? (she's dictating my post)
also enjoys chocholate covered strawberries, baking, going to the lake, cookies... etc.
hangs out at her house. (where her suitcase has exploded all over the place)
cleans her boyfriends apartment for him.
has a thing for guys named Zack/h.
has dated two gay guys.
keeps getting jobs with children, but doesn't exactly like them much.
likes green.
likes to preform cup checks.
graduated sixth in her highschool class.
doesn't know the difference between animated girls and boys.
graduates in December of OhNine.
was the murderer in a Murder Mystery party.---Twice.
thinks that her car is her most prized possession-- along with her beautiful necklace.
is often the voice of reason.
likes Playdoh.
has been a fake prostitute.
was the Drum Major of the highschool band.

... and that's my friend Ashley. :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Selective Filtering

Wouldn't it be great if we could filter out what we wanted to remember and what we wanted to forget?  How awesome would that be??
Then we could garentee that we would remember things that we needed to. I think that woud come in handy quite often.  I'd never fail a test, always get things done on time, and never have those randomly stupid moments that come far too frequently.   And on the other hand, if we don't like something, we just forget about it, and botta-bing, it never existed. It makes the whole "forgive and forget" concept much easier. 
But then again, you'd have to be careful using your selective filtering.  Alot of things that could be chosen to be forgotten, something positive might actually come from it.  A lesson to be learned, a point to be made... something along those lines. If we purposly and knowingly forget the bad things in life, in the long run we could have missed out on something great. (I'm personally a believer in everything happens for a reason, and that way we would have possibly missed the reason). 
But it's just a thought. 
I actually think that we kind of do already do a bit of filtering without realizing it. We tend to block things out that we aren't exactly a fan of, and remember for ages the things that we loved before.  Just with this concept it would be much more intentional... like we have a say in what we remember and what we don't, and as soon as we take that say, the problems are over. Forget about studying, you will remember the material, forget about worrying over an issue, just choose to block it out and you no longer have a problem.

... I just think it would be an interesting ability. 

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I can't believe that it has been so long since I last posted. I didn't really intend to keep putting it off, but you know, things come up. And when things weren't up, I didn't have anything to talk about that I wanted to put on the Internet. So here we are, it's been three months and there is much to update...
Let's begin.

I've had another hard semester, and I'm having to really figure out what I want to do. It's a complicated decision that is driving me absolutely crazy, but inevitable one at that. I've never been any good at decision making... it's a hassle.
I've had some changes in friendships during the course of the semester. I've met some good ones and even lost some close ones. I always try to remember that people change. It's college, these are the times you're supposed to change (or so I've heard.) I am a little upset that that I lost a few friends, but it's just the way things go. I'm glad I met the people that I have and I'm excited that I am starting to get to know some better.
I've had more drama in the "guy department" in these past two months than I've ever had. It's insanely complicated. I've been getting alot of grief over all my "boyfriends" when really, I haven't had a relationship in over a year. It is nice to have what is commonly referred to as "my boys," but that can just come with more problems. I really have no business being in a relationship right now, but I'd have to admit that it would a refreshing change of pace and nice to have that reassurance that not all guys are dogs... because lately, that's all they've seemed to be.
My good and close friends are absolutely amazing and have really helped me out throughout the course of the past few months. It feels good to be able to rely on some of them if I need to, and it's good to also be there when they need me. We're cool like that.

Well there you have it, just a simple update. Things can go deeper, but I'll keep all that for other posts... Can't waste it all on my returning one!