Sunday, May 11, 2008


I can't believe that it has been so long since I last posted. I didn't really intend to keep putting it off, but you know, things come up. And when things weren't up, I didn't have anything to talk about that I wanted to put on the Internet. So here we are, it's been three months and there is much to update...
Let's begin.

I've had another hard semester, and I'm having to really figure out what I want to do. It's a complicated decision that is driving me absolutely crazy, but inevitable one at that. I've never been any good at decision making... it's a hassle.
I've had some changes in friendships during the course of the semester. I've met some good ones and even lost some close ones. I always try to remember that people change. It's college, these are the times you're supposed to change (or so I've heard.) I am a little upset that that I lost a few friends, but it's just the way things go. I'm glad I met the people that I have and I'm excited that I am starting to get to know some better.
I've had more drama in the "guy department" in these past two months than I've ever had. It's insanely complicated. I've been getting alot of grief over all my "boyfriends" when really, I haven't had a relationship in over a year. It is nice to have what is commonly referred to as "my boys," but that can just come with more problems. I really have no business being in a relationship right now, but I'd have to admit that it would a refreshing change of pace and nice to have that reassurance that not all guys are dogs... because lately, that's all they've seemed to be.
My good and close friends are absolutely amazing and have really helped me out throughout the course of the past few months. It feels good to be able to rely on some of them if I need to, and it's good to also be there when they need me. We're cool like that.

Well there you have it, just a simple update. Things can go deeper, but I'll keep all that for other posts... Can't waste it all on my returning one!


Stephen said...

... it looks different...

Kevin said...

Getting stuck making a hard decision is never easy, and well...hard.

Its amazing how much time can go by without blogging before you realize it, but welcome back!

I do feel the need to say that not all guys are dogs, but there certainly are plenty and they tend to be louder than their counterparts, but I know you know that.

You know where to find me if you need fact, I'll see you in a week and a half!!!!!!!!!!

Jordan said...

i take nearly full credit for the "looking different" part! :D