Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My List

Alrighty guys. I know it's been forever... again... but it's been a complicated summer!
Back in May, I saw a list on Jordan's blog that she had made of things that she had noticed about herself when she actually sat down and thought about them. It seemed like a pretty cool idea. I wanted to see what I could learn about myself... things that I would never pick up on. Some were kind of deep and thoughtful, some not so much. (apparently that's the idea) So I tried. ... and then I posted the freakishly long list on here. ... and then it was deleted. But, before I had posted the list, I had hand written it-- that's just how I do things. I just found the list tonight that I had made in May and when I reread it, I noticed that alot of the things on there are different! I've changed, even since May!
So, I'm making a new one. Some I'm keeping, some I'm tossing. Here it is.

1. Music of any kind is the best thing to ever happen to this world.
2. I text to an unhealthy extent
3. I smile in the mirror before I leave the house every time because that's what my mom does, and that's what her father did.
4. I love working out, but I'm lazy.
5. What I want most is to love and be loved back.
6. Religion is too often used as a scare.
7. Friends can come and go, but your siblings you're stuck with. And I'm cool with that. I love him even when I'm mad at him... or in this case, when he's mad at me.
8. The world would be screwed with out history teachers.
9. Nick-names are awesome.
10. Facebook is the best thing EVER.
11. I spent seven years in band and I can still sing better than I can play the clairnet... and I can't keep time.
12. Driving in the rain is relaxing.
13. I still watch Disney movies.
14. Antarctica looks gorgeous, and I want to go.
15. In highschool I thrived on confrontation, now the thought of it makes me sick.
16. I get a second wind at about 11pm and will go until 3am.
17. Ignorance really can be bliss!
18. I've never really understood the whole glass half empty/full thing. Wouldn't it depend on how much liquid was in the glass to begin with?
19. The wise count their blessing, the foolish their problems.
20. Even though I've pretty much screwed the pooch with school, I'm so much happier now than I was in May.
21. The Aggie Ring is the sexiest thing ever.
22. Everything happens for a reason- cliche, but true.
23. I like punctuation.
24. Black women quotes are HILARIOUS.
25. I'm like a sponge, I'm constantly drinking something!
26. Elephants are fascinating.
27. I'm pretty easily amused.
28. Respect is an issue.
29. Pictures are beautiful. All of them.
30. I'm a terrible hostess. I just expect my friends to be comfortable in my house.
31. I'm weird with dates. I remember the pointless ones.
32. You get the best of both worlds with sunshowers.
33. Why stay in one place when you can see the world?
34. I'm too sarcastic.
35. Risks. You've gotta take 'em.
36. I no longer hate men. ;)
37. Bright colors make life pretty.
38. I get jealous of things, and I hate that.
39. I hate school, but I love being an Aggie.
40. I am happy with the way things are going... though maybe also slightly scared. c'est l'vie.


Jordan said...

YAYYYY! You finally posted it :D

Sabriel9876 said...

I said I would comment on this, so I am. It is pretty scary how much these things actually make you learn about yourself, huh? Just having to sit down and write out a list like this really gets you thinking.