Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Comes with a Few Changes

I am so terrible at keeping this thing updated.

Alrighty, I got a job at Kumon. It's a tutoring company for children... Kindergarten through middle school, I believe. I grade papers of the early elementary children. I only work ten hours a week, Monday and Wednesday from 3-8. It's not a lot of hours, but it's enough. It gives me over 300 dollars a month than I had when I was unemployed!! Haha.
When I posted last, I was clearly very happy with the way life was turning out. Though not long after I posted, I had a freak out that lasted pretty much the month of October. No good. But lucky for me, my two favorite men, Jonathan and my brother, helped me out a bunch, though they may not know it. I'm not sure what, exactly, was my problem. I was doubting a lot of things that I never have before. I am still, a little, but not nearly as bad as I was in October. There are good days, of course, but there are also those inevitable bad days that are kind of a bummer.
I was very excited to have Jonathan back for a week in late October. I hadn't seen in him exactly 35 days. ---> way too damn long. ;) We had a lot of fun going out and seeing all of our friends. I think he misses the college life. And I have to admit, the "college life" isn't the same when he's gone. He is coming again on Friday! He will be with me in College Station for a few days before we leave for McKinney for Thanksgiving! EEK! I'm so excited to be going back to MacTown. It feels like I haven't been in FOREVER. And I'm even more excited to be taking Jonathan with me! :)
My big brother and I have been having dinner weekly. I'm SO happy that he and I are on good terms again. I can even talk with him about... relationships!! *gasp!* I know. Never thought that would happen again. I'm not sure if he's completely okay with things yet, but he is making all kinds of effort, and so am I. It's good to have my friend back. :)

That's pretty much a sum of the past month. It's been a difficult one, but November is proving to be much better! :)

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