Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cold Weather, Great Friends, and School

Well this is interesting....

So I started a blog because they come highly recommended by a few friends to help reflect on things. I have completely fallen out of the online journal type things, but I'll give this a shot. See how far I can take it. :)

So lately things have been amazing.

The weather is changing and I'm absolutely loving it. I walk everyday from my car to class (about 20mins) and I am enjoying that part of the day better than any other! I used to hate the cold, but now, I love wrapping myself up in my big jacket and getting all cozy and still feel the cold on my face. I love it. I come home and get on Facebook (if you know me at all, you know that's the first thing I do when I come home!) and see that everyone has their status set to something about how wonderful the cold is. Indeed. The cold is absoluetly amazing.

So this past weekend, I went on a Fall Retreat with UCM. That was a blast. Ya know, Youth Groups were never my thing. I didn't enjoy my last one, and wasn't really sure when I started thinking about coming to this one. Andrew is apart of it, and had been telling me all about it and wanted me to give it a try. I wasn't too sure, but did anyhow, and now I love it. I couldn't imagine not being apart of it! In fact, I would know very few people around campus and spend my time in class and in the apartment, and no where else! UCM is really awesome, and I'm glad I stuck with it. The retreat was alot of fun. We had an enjoyable ride up there, which got the weekend off to a great start. It was exciting to get to know everyone a little better and see relationships form amoungst the group. We had a camp fire on Saturday night, and it was very entertaining. Tara and I danced to country music that was being played at a concert down the road we all made samores and sat around talking and laughing. Not all of UCM went on the retreat, but the ones who did made the group wonderful. I don't like big groups much, and the size of this group was perfect. Made for a nice touch to the weekend!

School is hard. I'm not doing too well in Biology, which is rediculous because I had that in high school and should be better at it. I'm working hard, but for some reason, I'm not getting the results I want. People keep telling me that it's the first semester and I shouldn't worry about it too much, but I can't help it. I'm worrying alot about my grades, which is weird for me because I never do. I'm just going to have to keep working and praying, and maybe they will come up some before the end of the semester.

In all, life here in Aggieland is amazing, despite the grades. (which may or may not be good) The people are wonderful, the atmoshpere is unlike any other, and I'm loving it.

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