Sunday, October 28, 2007

Football and Coffee

~Had a good time at the football game on Saturday regardless of the setbacks before hand. ...not to mention the Ags losing for the first time at Kyle Field all season. ...Surprisingly, still had an enjoyable game.
~Glad to see some people I hadn't for a while. Good to actually make contact with them- hadn't done that in a long time.
~Good times hanging out after the game and watching Blazing Saddles with some UCMers.
~Got to hang out with the parents, Andrew, Tara and Codie for a bit yesterday afternoon. Always amusing!
~Spent three hours in tutoring for Chemistry. --This test is going to be much harder than the last, and here's hoping I'm ready for it. Guess I'll just have to wait and see...
~Went to a coffee shop afterwards with Andrew, Tara and Stephen. Cool place- I had never been. I didn't get much studying done there though. Wasn't really in the mood. After being at 4.0 and Go I was kind of over it. However, when I got home I was up a few more hours kicking my Chemistry book and then reading some... Kick, read, kick, read... Kind of the pattern for the rest of the night.
Oh, how I love Chemistry!! ...

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