Monday, November 26, 2007


Ever hear that song by Aerosmith, Jaded? I hadn't until about last spring, when a friend told me I was "Jaded." I didn't know what it meant, so I was told to simply listen to the song. Here's my understanding: You can only go so far with something before your breaking point. You work hard at this something, and then when you realize that not much progress is being made, that burden you've been carrying is suddenly gone. Now, I know that there are many different views of the term, but I'm sure at some point, they all boil down to the same thing- simple indifference.

Here's how this all applies. I used to find a negative connotation with the term. But now, I realize that being "jaded" isn't necessarily that negative. It relieves stress and pressure, allowing you to focus on what really matters. -- So long as you're not "jaded" with important things that will end up carrying you far. I'm guessing at this point it's all based on whatever situation or predicament you're in. I've been thinking on this probably since I was told I was "jaded" but it wasn't until today that it all started becoming clear... and at times, much more confusing.

The concept here: Focus on what really matters. Don't become jaded against the things that you need in life, because if you do, you're pretty much screwed in the end. There are some things that you have to care about. But, if you find yourself focusing on things that really shouldn't have that much influence in the way you live, then just let it go. (I'm pretty sure that's why my fortune cookie says on Facebook. Let it Go.) Become jaded, if you will. Don't be a hero, take care of what you need to and nothing else until you are completely satisfiedwith what you've done already.

I'd love to know what you guys think about this. Any other forms of "Jaded" out there??

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Much Needed Break

~Got out of school Tuesday afternoon after my Sociology exam. Hung out with Tara, Andrew and Stephen and later Codie and Cameron joined us. Afterward, Codie and Cameron came back to my place and we hung out here until the wee hours of the morning!! Good fun!
~Wednesday was filled getting ready for the parents to come and with Codie and I painting overalls! We spent hours on the kitchen floor painting and watching Tila Tequila! Oh good old MTV reality shows!
~Wonderful Thanksgiving with the parents and Andrew.. haha and Senor Cafe, although we were confused as to WHEN exactly he was coming, so we ate without him... oops!! :/
~We BTHO t.u!!! AAAA!!! Good fun! I was SOO excited that we pulled out a win, as I'm sure, the other 88,000 people in Kyle Field were!!! Afterwards, we went back to my place and watched Andrew and my Dad dunk their rings! ...Very entertaining!
~Saturday, went to lunch with Senor Cafe at Blue Baker. Very fun, however very cold!! Later, I said goodbye to the parents when they finally left, and then headed back to the apartment for some studying and whatnot. Later, Tara, Andrew, Stephen, Heather, and Marshall came over to watch Robin Hood! hehe...
~Today has been filled with pictures and Chemistry. Good, good fun... haha...
Good break. Very successful in all, and now it's back to the harsh reality to school. Bah. All good things must come to an end...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Aggie Ring and Pictures

~Had a good weekend. Bro got his Aggie Ring on Friday. I think it's safe to say we are all proud of him.
~Hung out with the parents Tara, Andrew and Ashley on Saturday. We always seem to enjoy ourselves!
~Spent all day yesterday studying for Chemistry. I hate the darn class, and I can't wait for the first semester of it to be over with.
~Enjoyed walking all over campus today with Codie taking pictures of things that make A&M beautiful. Check 'em out on Facebook.
~Had a blast getting my nails done with Codie and Tara. Fun girls' activity- as always!
~Enjoyable evening- reading, going through pictures, and flipping back and forth from a football game to MTV reality shows!
~Excited that I only have one test standing between me and my break. I'm almost there....

Thursday, November 15, 2007


*Had a great weekend when Ashley came to visit.
* We (Ashley, Tara, Andrew and myself) spent over two hours at Rosa's on Friday laughing and "discussing" random things. I was stressed out that day about something, and I was glad to be able to just relax with some friends.
*Saturday we hung out with the mother- she was in town for Aggie Mom's Fish camp. We had dinner with her and about 500 other Aggie Moms. I think she had a good time making some friends and hangin' our with us kids. Afterwards, we went to see the Bee Movie. Very funny- I highly recommend it!
* The week has been so stressful. I've had alot of work to do... and I have two tests at the beginning of next week. On the bright side, I am done-absolutely done- with Chemistry labs for this semester. I have my final in two weeks-- if its as easy as the midterm was then I'm in great shape!!
* The week hasn't been the easiest, but hopefully things will shape up and turn out alright. Fingers crossed, and now all I can do is work for it...
*Thankful for all my friends that have put up with me and helped me out this week... They're all amazing!! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Late Nights

~Had several late nights this week, but they were worth it. Late night hangouts/conversations are always pleasant.
~Cold walk on the way to class. Delightful.
~Running into someone that I haven't seen in many years. She recognized me outside of the MSC and stopped to talk. As it turns out, we went to daycare together... Small world!
~Enjoyable time at PBF- as usual.
~Coming home and getting a few things done... then I fell asleep and missed my Geography class. I knew I was tired, but goodness!!
~Realizing that I only have two lab classes left for Chemistry, and the second one is the final!! ...These two weeks are going to go by too slowly!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a Lovely Weekend

~Getting to go to McKinney this weekend was amazing. I didn't exactly plan it, sort of decided around eleven o'clock Thursday night, and Friday morning I was on my way back to McKinney.
~Had fun at the Lions football game. Got to see some old friends- always fun.
~I was able to go to Cory's Eagle Ceremony. I didn't know I was necessarily wanted there, so it was nice to get the invite and then see Cory at the ceremony. He's worked hard, and finally able to get his Eagle, and I'm glad I was there to see it.
~Spent about six hours at Starbucks Saturday night. Did homework for a few hours, which was nice. Glad to feel productive. It's a start. Later, I had some company when Mr. Brown came. We talked for a long time, as usual. The girl that worked there had to remind us that they had already closed... so we had to leave. Hehehe..
~Talked to Stephen for a while online. Very much enjoyable. It was really helpful. I needed a good reality check.
~I was able to go to lunch with some friends Sunday. Zack, Fatty, Diane, Cory and Chris Kelley all came. It's a good bunch, and a reunion just isn't right with out good ol' Tin Star!!

The weekend was wonderful. I was able to relax and get away from the stresses at school. I almost didn't want to come back. Then, when I got on highway six coming into Bryan, I was SO glad to be home. I absolutely love it here and have promised myself to work harder and not run away again!!It's just to0 wonderful...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween and School

~The week has been crazy busy with tests/meetings/friends...etc. I've been very stressed out for the past few days, and I'm hoping things will wind down soon.

~It was good to hang out with some friends last night at Tara's for a small Halloween party. It's a good group. We watched the Exorcist and ate some yummy treats. It was a nice, relaxing night with the whole bunch.

~Yesterday was absolutely hilarious. I loved watching the people who decided to dress up in costume walk around campus. It's good to know that you can never grow out of the Halloween spirit!

~School is seriously killing me. I knew it was going to be hard, but I wasn't expecting it to be like this. I'm praying that things will turn out in my favor come the end of the semester, but at the moment, it's not looking too good. While I'm enjoying being here and meeting the people I have... I'm still struggling. In the end, it's all about school, not the people or the place, really. So, I'm having trouble balancing things and keeping them in order. Something else to work on.