Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a Lovely Weekend

~Getting to go to McKinney this weekend was amazing. I didn't exactly plan it, sort of decided around eleven o'clock Thursday night, and Friday morning I was on my way back to McKinney.
~Had fun at the Lions football game. Got to see some old friends- always fun.
~I was able to go to Cory's Eagle Ceremony. I didn't know I was necessarily wanted there, so it was nice to get the invite and then see Cory at the ceremony. He's worked hard, and finally able to get his Eagle, and I'm glad I was there to see it.
~Spent about six hours at Starbucks Saturday night. Did homework for a few hours, which was nice. Glad to feel productive. It's a start. Later, I had some company when Mr. Brown came. We talked for a long time, as usual. The girl that worked there had to remind us that they had already closed... so we had to leave. Hehehe..
~Talked to Stephen for a while online. Very much enjoyable. It was really helpful. I needed a good reality check.
~I was able to go to lunch with some friends Sunday. Zack, Fatty, Diane, Cory and Chris Kelley all came. It's a good bunch, and a reunion just isn't right with out good ol' Tin Star!!

The weekend was wonderful. I was able to relax and get away from the stresses at school. I almost didn't want to come back. Then, when I got on highway six coming into Bryan, I was SO glad to be home. I absolutely love it here and have promised myself to work harder and not run away again!!It's just to0 wonderful...

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