Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just Be Honest

It's one fifteen in the morning, and a perfect time for blogging.
The week has been... interesting. Several things have happened since I last posted that have made me start thinking about honesty. Events from the weekend when I visited Jordan in Denton, and especially here lately back in C-Stat have gotten me thinking how truly important being honest really is. Every one knows that they should be honest, our parents got that one through when we were really young, but how many of us really are? While talking about this with a friend, I was told I needed to hear the Billy Joel song, Honesty. I downloaded it, and thought it fit in pretty well. ...In case you were wondering why there is a giant picture of Billy Joel on this post.
For example, someone can get suckered into almost anything if they aren't honest about how they feel. (I'm not speaking from personal experience so much on this one, I'm just speculating). Too many people are too scared to speak about how they feel and end up doing something that they will regret later. I'm personally one of those people who think that if you're not honest about things, it can physically make you sick. (It's happened to me on several occasions because I was too stressed out and worried about what people would think.) But now I'm realizing more and more, who cares what people think?? It's the way it is, and people shouldn't (and hopefully won't) judge another on a simple opinion, so what harm can being honest do?
The sad thing is, that's not the only reason why people aren't honest. Some people don't want to lose something because they are being honest, some want to gain something else by being dishonest; there are so many reasons why people choose to act the way they do, but they just become unreal with themselves and the people they are dealing with. But whatever the reason may be, it's not worth being fake over.
Just be honest. Tell people what they have a right to know. Tell people what you have a right to think. But most importantly, tell yourself what you have a right to feel.
This entry was mainly about being honest with the people around you, but if you're not honest with yourself, that may be slightly difficult. Take care of yourself, and let people know what's on your mind.


Anonymous said...

Ummm wow...just wow.

Ange's Blog said...

Thanks?? I'm not really sure, but thanks?

Kevin said...

That is a really complex realization you've got there. It takes some people a lot of hard work to come to that conclusion, but if you can live by it, thats the best way to go!

Anonymous said...

... that's my favorite picture of Billy...

Jordan said...

honestly, i love you :]