Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happiness and Friends

Wonderful day.
Enjoyed my walk to class, as always. Nothing beats being bundled up on the way to an 8am and still feeling the breeze.
Had a good time talking with Stephen before PBF. And then when everyone else arrived, enjoyed talking and laughing with them. I do love the UCMers!
Glad to have my laptop fixed! It's no longer ghetto!
Loved talking with Tara for a while. Where would I be without her?? ...Probably lost somewhere! :)
Had fun going to the mall with Codie for some quality shopping time! I found out how much money I had extra, so I had to splurge... just this once!

Been a good day. This weekend will be alot of fun too, and I can't wait for things to start rolling. I have alot to look forward to!


Anonymous said... glad that you decided to start a blog. It really is quite rewarding!!

Kevin said...

No more ghetto laptop! I guess you won't be calling me in the middle of noisy rooms to try and get me to fix it when you aren't anywhere near it anymore! haha