Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You're Beautiful, It's True!

I love relating songs or song titles to my entries!!
So, I feel the need to make a very light post after that last one. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what today's post should have in it. I have nothing profound, or insightful, and nothing that's caused me to do an insane amount of thinking.
But, I have come up with something, however lame it may be...
I was talking with a friend of mine last Wednesday and they were telling me about how during their day, they were able to find beauty in everything they saw. They told me that I should give it a try the next day, just see what I can find. So I looked. ...and looked. ... And looked again.
Here's what I came up with. You can't up and go look for things that have "beauty". It's not a freaking game of hide and seek. Different things are considered beautiful for different people. Everything around you is beautiful in some way, it's just a matter of if you recognize it or not. Don't look for it. You're more than likely to miss it all. It's the little things throughout the day that make you smile are the beautiful ones (and like I said, things that make a person smile are different for each of us) ... but if you focus hard on trying to find it, it will pass you by and you'll have missed something... well, for lack of better word, beautiful. Keep an eye out for those moments you find you're enjoying being in/see happening but don't block things out trying to find something with beauty.
There you have it. That's all I got for you today, folks. Catch ya next time! ;)


Kevin said...

It is certainly true...some days it just hits you constantly, and others you just can't see it no matter how hard you look!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with both you and Kevin!

Jordan said...

hehehe you are beautiful :]